The Advent of Salvation


By Jean Daniélou 

The Advent of Salvation is a profound reflection on the precise relationship between Christianity and non-Christian religions. Is inter-religious relationship antagonistic, a “total opposition, as between error and truth”? Or is it in a sense complementary, with Christianity as the “fulfillment of what is in the other religions”? Identifying these two positions as the poles between which the evangelistic orientation of the Church moves, Daniélou argues that Christianity contains the fullness of truth, that Christ’s coming in history completes the arc of religiosity in human nature and action, and that the Gospel creates something completely, everlastingly new.

To be Christian is to live divinely, that is, to have grace within us and to have intimacy with God. And this was something utterly new.” Jean Daniélou, S.J.

 Jean Daniélou, S.J., (1905–1974) was among the leading theologians of the twentieth century. He was appointed a peritus at the Second Vatican Council and named a cardinal by Pope Paul VI in 1969. Renowned for his scholarship in the field of Patristics, Daniélou was the author of numerous works, including The Lord of History, The Bible and the Liturgy, and a three-volume work on early Christian doctrine before the Council of Nicaea.

Paperback: 194pp.

 ISBN: 978-1949899337