Reality is wild. And no one should enter the wilderness unread.
ALLTA (from the Gaelic for “wild”) is a collection of carefully designed and beautifully illustrated books in premium, hardbound editions, to inspire wonder in the hearts and minds of young readers. Inaugural volumes now available.
These are not tame books; but they are good.
“I went out as a child into the garden, and it was a terrible place to me, precisely because I had a clue to it: if I had held no clue it would not have been terrible, but tame. A mere unmeaning wilderness is not even impressive. But the garden of childhood was fascinating, exactly because everything had a fixed meaning which could be found out in its turn.” (G. K. Chesterton)

To Irrigate Deserts
“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.” (C. S. Lewis)
The first task of cultivating our imagination is the preparation of the soil so that it can sustain life. In a word, the irrigation of the desert.
And why? Because a desert is what our imagination is. We do not arrive in this world with knowledge or images or narratives already installed; only once we begin living, feeling, seeing and hearing, out here in the real world, do we begin to accumulate those treasures…