Advent at Ephesus


By Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles

This 2012 album by the gifted Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, Advent at Ephesus offers a delightful introduction to the music of the Advent season.

The time to prepare for the birth of the Lord Jesus is always quick to pass; these sixteen chants and hymns present an opportunity to pace prayerfully toward Bethlehem and the birth of mankind's salvation.

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Track List:

  1. Veni Redemptor Gentium
  2. Angelus Ad Virginem
  3. Regnantem Sempiterna
  4. Gabriel's Message
  5. Creator Alme Siderum
  6. Hayl Mary, Full of Grace
  7. Rorate Caeli
  8. Praeparate Corda Vestra
  9. O Come O Come Emmanuel
  10. Benedixisti Domine
  11. Maria Durch Ein Dornwald Ging
  12. Alma Redemptoris Mater
  13. Adjuvabit Eam
  14. Venez Divin Messie
  15. Vox Clara Ecce Intonat
  16. Like the Dawning